certified public accountant traduction
- expert-comptable
- american institute of certified public accountants: institut américain des experts-comptab ......
- accountant: n. comptable; expert-comptable...
- certified: adj. certifié, autorisé...
- accountant general: la comptable général (comptable d'etat ......
- chartered accountant: expert comptable (reconnu par l'office ......
- chief accountant: expert-comptable principal...
- cost accountant: comptable analytique...
- certified copy: copie authentique...
- certified for use: certifié conforme, que l'on peut utili ......
- certified notary: notaire qualifié...
- certified nurse: nourrice qualifiée...
- in public: en public...
- public: n. publicadj. public; général...
- certifier: n. certifiant; témoin, attestant...
- certify: v. certifier, déclarer, attester; décl ......
- certitude: n. certitude...
- Nom
- an accountant who has passed certain examinations and met all other statutory and licensing requirements of a United States state to be certified by that state; "in addition to accounting and auditing, CPAs also prepare tax returns for individuals and corporations"
Synonyme: CPA,